Queen of Swords
Briefly: Her future lies in learning to trust others again.
In Detail...
Physically usually (though not always) tall and/or slender woman. Quite often has dark hair. Refined appearance and conservative in dress most of the time. Gracious manner. She prefers sophisticated clothing. Personality is cautious and clever. Can be cunning, destructive and manipulative. She is often aloof and distant. She keeps her distance and puts up barriers around herself. She displays an air of unemotional responses. She may appear hard, selfish and self-controlled. Beneath her facade she hides much previous emotional pain and/or hardship. She has learnt how to survive. She is a woman alone. She is either a widow, divorced, a spinster or without a loving partner. She may have spent a long time on her own and keeps up her defences and her sword drawn to protect her at all times. She has a fondness for red roses. She looks good in black clothing. She likes to wear expensive or perhaps antique and conservative jewellery most of the time, though sometimes she wears some bold jewels. She knows she would or could be seduced if she lets her guard down. She is not a social butterfly. She can seem to be unforgiving in some circumstances, but this is her self-defence mechanism being activated to avoid feeling pain and disturbing emotional reactions. She cries in her sleep, and little elsewhere. She feels more in control if she can avoid having too deep feelings for anyone, lest they puncture her heart and give her reason to despair. She can become big hearted if in the right company and circumstances and when she feels safe and secure. There is hope for her and she is wise enough to know it. She is symbolic of the rose, seductive and potentially dangerous, capable of cutting the skin and making it bleed, yet the soft velvety petals can blossom into the most beautiful arrangement and captivate your heart. She is wistful and reflective, serious yet sensuous, yet always alert. She is capable of being the Goddess or the crucifier. Occupations suited to her would be the head of a company or large organisation. Also she would make a great surgeon, doctor, police officer, dentist or anything that involves the use of sharp items or weapons. She would make a good soldier, warrior, fighter or leader of a revolution. She knows only one truth, her own. Her future lies in learning to trust others again. She has been severely betrayed in the past by women and men alike. She may need to take a leaf out of the book of the Queen of Cups, who is more giving, loving and affectionate. She could have a love relationship but only if total trust exists. There is no room for dishonesty or lies. If she is betrayed, she severs her relationships completely and irrevocably and never goes back. Friends are cast off and not seen again should they make the mistake to betray or abuse her. Her goodwill only stretches so far and behind that she may lose some of her sense of compassion, knowing that others should learn to be more self-reliant, like herself. She may go to the extreme of cutting off her husband's head, should he betray or deceive her. Querent's card. If this is you, then you may be being called to meet the challenge of your strengths and you will meet this head on regardless of whether this produces success or failure. Even in failure, you will learn where you went wrong and this is the ultimate lesson. If you are not the querent and this card appears, I suggest that you make an ally of this woman, because she can be a powerful opponent if you should cross her. She is loyal and steadfast to those she gets close to, just don't mess with her, because you will wish you hadn't.
Your World - Your Focus
What surrounds you currently, how others view you, where you are both mentally and spiritually.
Queen of Pentacles
Briefly: You are on your way to fame and fortune.
In Detail...
The picture on this card shows a beautiful woman wearing lovely clothes and a crown on her head, placed on top of lovely beaded headwear. She holds in front of her a large pentacle and her hands are slim and well manicured. She wears a special ring, which has a large oval stone set in it, which is possibly a ruby. There are mountains in the background, similar to those in Hawaii. There is foliage around her and nuts growing on these. Generally she has blue eyes, though could have any eye colour. If you are this person, you are on your way to fame and fortune. You may come into a windfall, marry well, or somehow stumble upon a unique way to increase your income. You will be well liked by your friends and loved by your family and husband. You are serious, yet vulnerable. You are calm, yet can be set back by those who stir conflict around you. The comforts of life are important, more so for your own peace within your own mind knowing that you have what you need. If you are not this woman, then you will meet someone like her who supports you in many and varied ways. If you are a female, this woman will become your most ardent fan and friend. If you are a male, this woman may become your lover or your wife. Cherish her, for she is loyal and affectionate and has your best interests at heart.
Your Lovers World - Their Focus
What surrounds your Lover currently, how others view them, where they are both mentally and spiritually.
Eight of Wands
Briefly: A new love is coming into your life and very swiftly at that.
In Detail...
This card has a picture of eight wands running right across it. For some this can mean that a new love is coming into your life and very swiftly at that. It brings things quickly into focus and gives you the opportunity to seize a brilliant opportunity or improve your life in some way. You could also be about to move to a more tranquil setting in either your home life or the location or your work. A river or other picturesque scene may be part of your new environment, or you may meet someone special in just such a location. If you are planning a pregnancy, now may be your most fertile time. The energy of the season of Spring may make you feel inspired to be especially creative.
Nature of your Issues together
Either past influences or current what surrounds you both.
The Chariot
Briefly: Travel awaits you. Should the other travel card, the six of swords also be in your card layout, then this is an indicator that you are to move across new ground, or maybe even purchase a mode of travel such as a car.
In Detail...
Generally speaking this card depicts some kind of travel. Should the other travel card, the six of swords also be in your card layout, then this is an indicator that you are to move across new ground. However, even by itself, as this is a major arcana card, travel is still a strong possibility. You may travel quite a distance and your goal is to get there, by whatever means you can find, even horseback if necessary. This can also mean that someone is coming from a long distance towards you. For some people this can represent getting a new mode of transport, such as buying your first car, or buying a new car or bike or whatever. The emphasis is on getting to your destination by the quickest route available. This card too is about choices. You may have to make a major decision around this time that will alter your circumstances quite dramatically. Do not resist change for that will disrupt the natural flow of events that are waiting to unfold for you. Also I have seen this card manifest in matters to do with re-decorating the home. Sometimes it is just new curtains or cushions, however the aim is to bring comfort into the home.
Obstacles to overcome
Areas that need to be illuminated, places that need to be worked through.
Ace of Swords
Briefly: Broaden your horizons and make sweeping changes. Your future is about to move ahead in many and varied ways.
In Detail...
When you draw this card, you are being given the urge to broaden your horizons and make sweeping changes. Your future is about to move ahead in many and varied ways. This card cuts aside those things and people that you no longer need or are relevant to your life. This can also too be a fertility card, so if you are seeking to bring a new baby into the world, this can help to manifest it. It is possible that you may feel like making a new beginning in your life and starting over. You could move house, change jobs, get married or have a new baby arrive. Whichever you choose, it will be a welcome change and one that will require additional energy on your part, however you will more than adequately meet the new challenge. Physically, it could mean that an operation is imminent, and that your health is undergoing some changes. It is possible that something has to be removed, whether that be a tooth or other body part, and it may be replaced with an artificial part. This gives the ability to recover quickly and to get on with the rest of your life. You may also be undergong major psychological changes where you are feeling more confident and outgoing. You may start becoming more ambitious or self-motivated and ready to take on new challenges and dare to do more than you have ever done before. Luck is on your side.
Lessons %26amp; Signs to watch for
The Divine Universal watch tower! Signs to signal their impending arrival, areas that need illuminating... only you will know that which needs to be seen.
Three of Wands
Briefly: The seeker of knowledge and truth. He searches until he finds what he is looking for.
In Detail...
This card depicts a man with his back to us though revealing part of his face as he looks out over the hillside. He holds a wand in his hand which has three leaves sprouting from it signifying growth and abundance. In front of him is another wand and behind him the third wand. He is contemplating his future and possibly the journey ahead of him. In the distance are mountains with high peaks. It appears to be an almost barren environment, warm and dry. However he has with him the symbols of growth and can plant wherever he sees fit. He wants to settle down, but must first wander and roam until he finds his true home. This card too is the seeker of knowledge and truth. He searches until he finds what he is looking for.
Your Hopes, Fears, Desires
What is it that your soul really wants and needs.
The Sun
Briefly: There is also the possibility, for those who desire a child, that a pregnancy is imminent. Any new business venture also has the signs of success written on it, so proceed with confidence that all will be well.
In Detail...
This card depicts the Sun and in the front of this are a male and a female looking deep into each others eyes. There are sunflowers on the card, some greenery and a wall in the background. Often this card symbolises Summer or is associated with the sing of Leo. Perhaps an important event will occur around your own Summer month or during the one month time span of Leo which is from July 23 up to August 22. For some this can mean a very special relationship on the horizon, and one that may very well lead to marriage, this will be a successful union and bring much happiness into both people's lives. There is also the possibility, for those who desire a child, that a pregnancy is imminent. Any new business venture also has the signs of success written on it, so proceed with confidence that all will be well. Also a distinct possibility is a trip to a warm location in the near future.
Your Lovers Hopes, Fears, Desires
What is it that your lovers soul really thirsts for?
King of Swords
Briefly: Now is the time to make a clean break with what you have been doing up until now.
In Detail...
Physically he is usually tall and relatively slim. Sometimes bearded and with piercing eyes, either blue or black. He sometimes gives an austere appearance. He may look like he doesn't smile too often. He may not age well and could tend to look rather weathered or older than he actually is, even at a young age. Mostly he would have dark hair. Conservative in attire most of the time. Serious manner in appearance and clothing. Personality: Can be abrasive, tactless and have a harsh attitude towards life and his efforts for survival. He may have fought various battles, personal or in times of war, that have left him feeling empty and scarred. He may even have a physical scar on his face or hands. He tends to treat people abrubtly, as if they annoy him just by their presence. He is serious and often secretive. Often, what he doesn't say, says it all. His look can condemn. He likes to be in charge and in control of his life and his environment. He is generally in business suits or a uniform of some type. He appreciates the discipline of keeping up appearances and likes his boots polished very well. He may actually collect old relics or swords as a hobby and enjoy cleaning and polishing them and putting them on display in his home. He is generally tidy by nature, methodical and despising clutter and useless items. He believes that life is meant to involve hard work and he would not like to be unemployed at any time, as he likes the structures of time and discipline in his well-ordered life. He would appreciate a good steak. He dislikes waste and frivolity. He has the gift of intelligence, commonsense and foresight. He likes to have well-defined plans and goals. He is a stickler for rules and doing his duty. He is a born leader. He appreciates time. He is capable of being the instructor. Occupations suited to him would be the head of a company or large organisation. Also he would make a great surgeon, doctor, police officer, dentist or anything that involves the use of sharp items or weapons. He would make a good soldier, warrior, fighter or leader of a revolution. His future lies in being more open to others if he is to feel fulfilled at the end of his life. He could fall in love again, or renew his vows with his wife if already married. He is faithful though observant of the beauty of women. He especially admires women of grace and good manners. He is as vulnerable as the next man, but rarely shows it. He will have a relationship if she shows enough direct interest in him. Querent's card. If this is you, now is the time to make a clean break with what you have been doing up until now. Sever the past and start anew. You can heed the challenge. You are brave and can face anything the future holds. Just say yes! If you are not the querent and this card appears, I suggest that you allow this person to be themselves. Do not stand in this man's way, he will rollercoaster over you without even noticing you were stood there in the first place. He can be the most sincerest friend, only after you have proven your friendship to him, never before.
What Challenges your Relationship
Areas that require awareness and attention.
The Tower
Briefly: For some people this can mean a radical change in their lives that was unexpected. It can be major house move, change of location to a totally different area or country, a divorce, or other sudden development which means you have to adapt to the ever changing forces around you.
In Detail...
This is an awesome card to look at. There is a picture of a tower and in the background is a storm and lightening. There are dark clouds and the sea leaps up around the building. There are people leaping from the windows to escape the blazing inferno. For some people this can mean a radical change in their lives that was unexpected. It can be major house move, change of location to a totally different area or country, a divorce, or other sudden development which means you have to adapt to the ever changing forces around you. Sometimes if means that a radical overhaul of your life is needed to put things into a different perspective for you. You may have been in a rut or felt unable to make new changes, and the energy of this card shows that somehow an event will occur that gives you the opportunity to do just that. If some disaster does strike that you have difficulty coping with, be aware that for some reason there is a lesson or a message in the experience for you to learn from. If a relationship ends around this time, take heed that this was meant to be, and that your resistance to move with the ever changing tide will be made more difficult if you do not adapt. It will be easier on yourself if you can remain flexible and ready to do whatever you have to do when the time comes.
The Final Outcome
The Final Card, the outcome of it all, the future of your relationship.
Page of Cups
Briefly: Time to discover some new career direction that will lead you towards prosperity.
In Detail...
The picture on this card is of a youngish person, who is often male, though this can indicate a female. He is colourfully dressed and wears a hat and some plumage in it. He carries some red flowers, and a cup with a fish jumping about in it. He looks content and yet very innocent. He could be about to embark on a new career or had just graduated from college, university or from law school. He is clean shaven, either blue or black eyes and has lovely sleek hair. He loves to wear bright coloured clothing which reflects his warmth and compassion for others. If you draw this card and the person is yourself, you may discover some new career direction that will lead you towards prosperity. If it is someone else, they could become very important to you, either by becoming your new best friend, or your lover or husband/wife. This person is also highly sensitive and should therefore only mix with people who are positive and enthusiastic. There may also be some special occasion coming up where you have to put on your best threads.
Can someone interpret this tarot spread please?
Birthday Flowers
Sympathy Flowers
What was the question??
Queen of Swords ~ This card shows a person who has emotionally suffered, this person is strong willed, direct. This person is emotionally independant - so may be alone.
Your World - Your Focus. What surrounds you currently, how others view you, where you are both mentally and spiritually.
Queen of Pentacles ~ This card shows a down to earth attitute, good health %26amp; family. This person is a mother earth type figure. Reliable, loving %26amp; calm.
Your Lovers World - Their Focus. What surrounds your Lover currently, how others view them, where they are both mentally and spiritually.
Eight of Wands ~ This brings rush, being busy, a positive card of information %26amp; activity. When it comes to love it tell to take action yourself.
Nature of your Issues together. Either past influences or current what surrounds you both.
The Chariot ~ This card tells of a rough journey or time - but of a safe arrival. Issues should be kept in control.
Obstacles to overcome. Areas that need to be illuminated, places that need to be worked through.
Ace of Swords ~ This is a card of truth, linked to the Q of Swords. A harsh reality is seen, changing opinions.
Three of Wands ~ This is a decision card, time has come to allow what is needed within a situation to unfold.
Your Hopes, Fears, Desires. What is it that your soul really wants and needs.
The Sun ~ This is happiness, love %26amp; sincerity.
Your Lovers Hopes, Fears, Desires. What is it that your lovers soul really thirsts for?
King of Swords ~ This is a card of strong dominance, being in control.
What Challenges your Relationship
Areas that require awareness and attention.
The Tower ~ This is similar to the Ace of Swords - Truth. It represents the ego being shattered so that issues can no longer be ignored.
The Final Outcome, the outcome of it all, the future of your relationship.
Page of Cups ~ Predominantly this is a card of trust %26amp; intuition.
As a quick over view this shows a relationship where there is a power struggle, some one has to give, but to do that somone has to be controlled. There is positive energy here, but it must not be hidden behind as honesty needs to be the focus.