What is the best way to clean dried and silk flowers?
Reply:Dry methods involve use of a bag with one of a host of dry items. Put silk products inside of a paper bag, and add a couple of cups of uncooked rice before shaking it briskly. This is even effective with dried arrangements or wreaths.
Or, try a few tablespoons of salt inside of a plastic bag—shake, and then make sure all residue is gone. Also effective with dried flowers.
Cornmeal is another dry method for cleaning. Use plenty of shaking, including upside down, to make sure all traces are gone.
Reply:I clean my silk and dried flower bouquet by putting it into a brown paper bag with 1/2-1 cup table salt. Roll the bag down but allow the item room to move then shake shake shake for abut a minute. Open the bag and pull the item out, gently shaking it as you are pulling it out to remove the remaining salt. This gently removes the dust and debris and leaves it in the bag w/ the salt. Reuse the salt several times for this purpose.
Reply:put some common table salt, a 1/4 c should do, in a paper bag, add the flowers a few at a time, close the top and shake. The salt will remove the dust easily. Shake the salt out of the flowers back into the bag and repeat.
Reply:My mom always filled the sink with hot water and added 3 cap fulls of ammonia to the water then wished them around then hung them upside down out side on the clothes line.
Reply:You can try a blow dryer. I have heard of products available to spray on such arrangements. Try Hobby Lobby/Michael's/ JoAnn's...any craft store. They may be able to help you.
Reply:If they're just dusty, use one of those spray air cans that you would use to clean your computer/electronics...or lightly vacuum them with a soft brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner.
Reply:I use my hair dryer on the cool setting to blow the dust of my dried arrangement.
Reply:i would suggest a capful of baby shampoo and then soak them to wash them and hang to dry.books authors
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