Where can I get fake flowers for my wedding?
Reply:Go to the dollar store or dollar tree they have really cute and cheap flowers.
Reply:Go to Hobby Lobby or similar store...there are even florist type stores that specialize in artificial arrangements....and have them make what you want. If you get good quality silk flowers and have them arranged, your guests won%26#039;t know they are fake unless someone tells them. Actually with today%26#039;s simple bride%26#039;s arrangement, you could probably make your own.
Reply:Michaels, JoAnns Fabric and Crafts, Home Depot, WalMart,
Reply:If you go to USIfloral.com it will have a listing of all types of different flowers and bouquets. try it this is were i am ordering my flowers for my weddingin 2008
Reply:Michael%26#039;s craft store has really nice fake flowers and they make arragements. You can also try hobby Lobby but their selection it%26#039;s as good but they have A LOT of 50% off sales on their flowers.
Reply:Artificial or silk (or fake) flowers do NOT belong at a wedding.
A REAL person who wears a REAL ring carries REAL flowers. Ask for seasonal flowers or ask for carnations or mums (always plentiful and very inexpensive) or make the bouquets smaller (which uses less flowers). You can even buy big bunches of REAL flowers at Wal-mart or Costco or Sam%26#039;s Club that are inexpensive. Answered by: A Certified wedding specialist / A Profesisonal bridal consultant / A Wedding ceremony officiant
Reply:You can get them at any craft store like Michael%26#039;s or Hobby Lobby and most of them will actually make the bouquets, etc. for you. I did this for my sister, she left the color and everything up to me. We had beautiful bouquets, corsages and boutteneers(know spelling is incorrect) for very little money.
Reply:I would talk to a florist. If they don%26#039;t make up bouquets then they can direct you who to go to. There are also stores to go to. Michaels, Tall Mouse, Joann%26#039;s to name a few. Good luck.
Reply:Any good craft store. Hobby Lobby, Micheal%26#039;s, JoAnn%26#039;s... places like that.
Reply:I just found this site today but the price look good, silkflowerkw.com
Hobby Lobby put there flowers on sale a lot
Good Luckyahoo finance
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