You sound like a really sweet guy by the way you%26#039;ve acted so far. But as much as you love her, staying with her will only hurt you more later on in the relationship. It doesn%26#039;t seem to me like she loves you as much as you love her, or at all even. So even though it%26#039;s really hard, you should break it up now and try and move on.
Reply:you should take time and think if shes lying and seeing othe people shes not worth the heartache drop her you sound cool youll find someone else
Reply:okay dude, i know it hurts but if this girl is lying to u then u probably don%26#039;t want to be with her. it%26#039;s not good to have a relationship with lies. if she lies to u again u cant just put up with it. if she did it once she%26#039;ll do it again. its human nature. i am truly sorry if i hurt your feelings or offended u but i had to. good luck.
Reply:forget it, move on. do you really want someone who is a liar and is obviously taking advantage of your good nature? find an honest person who appreciates your fine qualities. Let this liar sleep in the bed she seems busy making for herself. She obviously has no respect for you, and you can obviously do better, and you will
Reply:Ok so you started to fight before her surgery, chances are becuz she was stressed about it. She comes out of surgery and everything is fine, stress is gone. But who is %26quot;he%26quot;?
Reply:you will be a doormat if you stay in this relationship let it go. i mean no one wants someone who is willing to be lied to and b ok with it. leaving that voicemail probably made her madder but lets be real she is talking and hanging out with someone. well if you stay good luck being a doormatShoes
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