I would think a guy would look GOOD in front of his officemates if he received flowers from someone?
I really need to make a quick decision. Help me with ur opinions please!
Guys, I really need an honest answer, would you all vote a Yes/No for sending flowers to guy at his workplace?
Reply:It might be tolerable if he%26#039;s married or it%26#039;s an obvious event , but definitely not something displayed proudly. Just randomly, especially if he has guy co-workers, can definitely be a little embarrassing. A warm %26quot;happy birthday%26quot; hug showing you remember would be much more memorable. Report It
Reply:Do it.
Reply:Speaking from experience. It is great to get flowers at work. The problem is, explaining them to his wife.
Reply:very good idea.
Send it to him.
Reply:Why not , i wish anyone would even notice i exist so in my opinion its good . shows your interested .
Reply:if he works in an office - that%26#039;s fine. send them
Reply:I sent flowers to my husband at work when we were married, and he was sooo embarrassed, that he asked me not to do it again, his co-workers razzed him about it all day. On the other hand, we%26#039;re now divorced cause he was a jerk, so I say, go ahead! show him you care!
Reply:Men love to get flowers from their ladies! Do it!
Reply:in this day and why not.wish my missus would
Reply:Surely send it its his B-day
iam sure he will be happy
(on my work when someone has b-day all workers put money together and buy a gift or flower so it should be fine)
Reply:Birthday, Yes
Reply:No. Guys don%26#039;t see flowers in the same way as women do. At work, too..............NO..the guys will rag him hard if you do.
Reply:Yea its completly fine since its his birthday. If you start sending them randomly though, his coworkers will probably start thinking your a clingy obssesive psycho.
Reply:If the guy you are sending it to the sensual type and he is really into you then he would L.O.V.E the flowers. It will make his day. :)... you are a truly amazing and thoughtfull girlfriend
Reply:well u should give him flowers and show that u can do better by doing something else
Reply:Probably no...you%26#039;ll most likely embarrass him. and not in a way that%26#039;s even vaguely good.
Reply:If he is your husband or boyfriend then it is OK. If not, make sure he is not married or dating anyone else. If he%26#039;s not, send them with a note attached saying %26quot;from your secret admirer%26quot;.
Reply:don%26#039;t do it. he%26#039;ll think you%26#039;re weird. get him a football shirt or something practical. good luck!make up
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