Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How do I keep my cat from eating my plants?

I%26#039;ve been growing flowers from seed in my window sill. It is the only good place in the house that recieves sunlight and that has room for the growing lamp I am using. My cat has always had a thing with chewing on flowers, plants, and even dried arrangements but now she is chewing on my newly sprouted seedlings! Is there anything I can do to keep her away from them? (I would prefer not to move them. Like I said, it%26#039;s the best place in the house that I can find)
How do I keep my cat from eating my plants?
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersBuy a flat, low-profile planter and plant some grass in it for your cat to chew on. I would get Mondo grass sets or St. Augustine plugs. Rebel (my rebellious cat) would chew on the Mondo grass and let the flowers alone.
Reply:I brought Tipsy (my cat) his own cat grass but he still eats my plants. I just don%26#039;t know what to do. Report It

Reply:move the plants
Reply:put lemon juice in the plants to keep the cat from eating them.
Reply:get some oat seeds and put little in some soil every week or so, this way they will have fresh grass all the time. Or try giving them some lettuce. My cat eats plants when her grass starts getting old. Take care.
Reply:Real answer? You dont.. cats are cats..(and they will eat plants from time to time.. best bet is just dont have any toxic ones around for em...

it would be easier to get people on yahoo answers to stop asking silly questions.. and we all KNOW thats never gonna happenpuppy teeth

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