Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Question about a floral arrangement of tulips that I made!!!!?

Hi! I%26#039;m very inexperienced in making floral arrangements, but I did one today for the first time (for Mother%26#039;s Day). Anyway, it%26#039;s of tulips (all tulips, as that%26#039;s the only flower she%26#039;s not allergic to), and I pulled off some of the leaves that were all cruddy and brown. Will that make the flowers die more quickly? I figured that the leaves were already dead, so taking them off wouldn%26#039;t hurt. Not to mention, it looked horrible with the dead leaves. I also cut the flowers at an angle and put them in a vase. What I%26#039;m wondering is, what temperature of water do I put in? Do you put hot water (like a Christmas tree) or cold? Is there anything I should put in the water to make them last longer? Thank you sooooooo much! Immediate help is appreciated because she%26#039;ll be home in like a half-hour. THANK YOU!
Question about a floral arrangement of tulips that I made!!!!?
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersRemoving dead leaves should benefit the arrangement rather than hurting it. Cutting at an angle is good as well. I believe lukewarm water with half a teaspoon of sugar will help prolong the life of the flowers.
Reply:cold water....not hot it is best if cold water is put insuper nanny

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